The DMMU of the SRLM is responsible for meeting ANANDADHARA objectives and implementing ANANDADHARA activities in the district. DMMU, linked suitably with DRDA, has been a facilitating and support unit for field structures. A multidisciplinary DMMU, led by District Magistrate as District Mission Director (DMD ) , includes ADMD and DMDs on deputation from State Govt. and functional specialists in thematic areas of Social Inclusion, Financial Inclusion, Livelihoods, Capacity Building, Programme Management, Programme Support etc., and support staff, as required. At block level, Block Mission Management Unit (BMMU) led by a Block Mission Manager (BMM) and consisting of 2-3 member Core Team.
ANANDADHARA rests on three major pillars – universal social mobilization, financial inclusion and livelihoods enhancement. It works towards bringing at least one member (preferably a woman) from all poor families into the SHG network. The SHGs and their federations offer their members services such as savings, credit and livelihoods support. As the Institutions of the Poor mature, they are facilitated to take up livelihoods/income-generating activities.