
District Rural Development Cell (DRDC)


The DMMU of the SRLM is responsible for meeting ANANDADHARA objectives and implementing ANANDADHARA activities in the district. DMMU, linked suitably with DRDA, has been a facilitating and support unit for field structures. A multidisciplinary DMMU, led by District Magistrate as District Mission Director  (DMD ) , includes  ADMD and DMDs on deputation  from State Govt. and functional specialists in  thematic areas of Social Inclusion, Financial Inclusion, Livelihoods, Capacity Building, Programme Management, Programme Support etc., and support staff, as required. At block level, Block Mission Management Unit (BMMU) led by a Block Mission Manager (BMM) and consisting of 2-3  member Core Team.

ANANDADHARA rests on three major pillars – universal social mobilization, financial inclusion and livelihoods enhancement. It works towards bringing at least one member (preferably a woman) from all poor families into the SHG network. The SHGs and their federations offer their members services such as savings, credit and livelihoods support. As the Institutions of the Poor mature, they are facilitated to take up livelihoods/income-generating activities.

Sl No Name of the Schemes Scheme Details WebLink
  • Social Mobilization and Institution Building: At least one woman member from each identified rural poor household, is to be brought under the Self Help Group (SHG) network in a time bound manner. Special emphasis is particularly on vulnerable communities such as manual scavengers, victims of human trafficking, Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs), Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) and bonded labour. Anandadhara has devised special strategies to reach out to these communities and help them graduate out of poverty. The inclusion of the target group under Anandadhara is determined by a well-defined, transparent and equitable process of participatory identification of poor, at the level of the community. All households identified as poor through the PIP process is the Anandadhara Target Group and is eligible for all the benefits under the programme.
  • Livelihoods: Anandadhara focuses on stabilizing and promoting existing livelihood portfolio of the poor through its three pillars – ‘vulnerability reduction’ and ‘livelihoods enhancement’ through deepening/enhancing and expanding existing livelihoods options and tapping new opportunities in farm and non-farm sectors; ‘employment’ – building skills for the job market outside; and ‘enterprises’ – nurturing self-employed and entrepreneurs (for micro-enterprises).Anandadhara promotes and supports collectives towards Sustainable Livelihoods of the Poor (CSLP) around these and other key livelihoods of the poor. These collectives offer their members access to livelihoods knowledge, skills, technology, market intelligence and credit support through their SHGs and Federations to individual members/households.

Financial Inclusion:- Anandadhara works on both demand and supply sides of financial inclusion. On the demand side, it promotes financial literacy among the poor and provides catalytic capital to the SHGs and their federations. On the supply side, the Mission coordinates with the financial sector and encourages use of Information, Communication & Technology (ICT) based financial technologies, business correspondents and community facilitators like ‘Bank Mitras/CSP(BL)’. It also works towards universal coverage of rural poor against risk of loss of life, health and assets Anandadhara provides Revolving Fund (RF) and Community Investment Fund (CIF) as resources in perpetuity to the institutions of the poor, to strengthen their institutional and financial management capacity and build their track record to attract mainstream bank finance.Financial assistance in form of Revolving Fund, Vulnerability Reduction Fund, and Community Investment Fund is provided to the CBOs. Anandadhara does not provide direct financial support to individual members.

Web Site Link
Sl No. Form Name View/Download
1 SHG LEVEL FORMS View/Download (5MB)
Guideline, Circular & Orders
Sl No. Order Name View/Download
1 Widow HH inclusion under Anandadhara Programme View/Download (325 KB)
2 Circular 665_CSP Guideline & Annex I to VIII_13Oct 14 View/Download (2  MB)

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    Important Contact Numbers

    Sl No Department Contact Person Designation Phone No e-mail
    1 DRDC Smt. Saswati Das Project Director 9903800302
    Sl No. Block /Municipality Name Contact Person Cotact No. E-Mail